Sunday, April 25, 2010

B-17 at the Santa Barbara Airport (edited)

This is the B-17 "Aluminum Overcast", at the Santa Barbara Airport on 4/25/2010. I posted these pictures earlier, but decided to consolidate them all to a single post. Click on the pictures to see them full size.

Above: Cockpit from the port side.

Above: Technical specifications and crew positions.

Above: Exterior seen from starboard side.

Above: Exterior seen from port side (closer).

Above: Bow exterior.

Above: Engine closeup.

Above: Ball turret closeup. Note the Nazi swastika on the right side of the turret. That means a Luftwaffe pilot had a VERY bad day.

Above: Cockpit interior. Hard to see in this picture, but some of the modern equipment present includes GPS and satellite radio. The satellite radio is used to provide consistent weather reports.

Above: Interior bomb bay.